Der Schwarzfahrer (The Black Rider)

A young black man rides on a German bus while an older racist woman starts laying in the bigot commentary so harshly that the passengers have no choice but to sit around and listen to her silently. Eventually the black rider (Schwartzfahrer) exacts his deft revenge in a small and clever way.
The short itself could use some paring down, though. It's roughly 12 minutes long and could easily be about 7 or even 5. It introduces at great length one character that doesn't matter, and seems to spend unnecessary time introducing other characters as well. Having multiple characters unable to stand up against the woman's racism is fine, but they don't all have to have some history. For the most part, the film's timing is off enough that it works against its comedic timing. I think it could have used a little reworking.
However,more people care about the story than they do the craftmanship, and it is a good story. Ultimately it's a satisfying movie for what it is.
Senta Moira ... Old Woman
Paul Outlaw ... Black Man
Stefan Merki ... Biker
Klaus Tilsner ... Controller
Andrea Katzenberger ... Mother
Mark Tiedemann ... Child
Andreas Schmid ... 'Walkman'
Directed by Pepe Danquart
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