I'll Wait for the Next One

FRANCE -2002
A man enters a subway train and starts to speak: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sorry to bother you. Don’t worry, I’m not here to beg for money... Let me introduce myself. My name is Antoine, I’m 29... I recently read in a magazine that there are about 5 million single women in France... Where are they ? I’m looking for a lady aged between 18 and 55 who‘s also had trouble meeting someone in a conventional way and who wouldn’t mind giving a honest relationship with someone a shot..." "J’attendrai le suivant..." was nominated for the Oscar in 2003 and won the European Short Film Prize in 2004.
I'll Wait for the Next One sets itself up as a cute little comedy skit, and it delivers on that premise but also surprises you with an incredibly moving finale. Four minute comedies are not supposed to be as moving as this film is, it's funny, charming, and heartbreaking all at the same time, showing you your emotions in a combination that they are not generally found. I can't recommend this movie enough. By the end of the diminutive film you feel like you have known the characters for years, especially the lead man and the woman looking for love, probably because they so perfectly represent. The look on the man's face and the woman's face at the end of the film are brief moments of sheer performing brilliance rarely seen, especially in a short film, which itself is rarely seen. Seek this one out, you will laugh and you will cry, and most of all you will be moved.
Directed by Philippe Orreindy
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