
The Thing About Bannon's Lookout

USA - 2006

While driving down a dark Kansas road, a policeman tells his partner about the "thing" that lives in the woods. Is it just a story?

Rea might be sick of hearing this, but its a compliment nonetheless. His work often resembles that quality that made the Twilight Zone so unique and enjoyable - and today, when there's so much that can be done with CGI and distracting pyrotechnics and hyperdrama - its almost originally refreshing in this day and age to be able to sink into the depths of some of his films. Once more, Patrick Rea takes a super familiar and mundane situation and unravels it quickly to expose a Hell in waiting. Two policemen driving down a dark road - the rookie and the veteran - one questioning the other about the legend of the "thing" at Bannon's Lookout. Simplicity lulls us all in and slows our heartbeats, until the two come upon an abandoned car at the titular location. The ending is a bloody twist with bite .

Craig Boyd Keens

Bradley Meehan Murrow

Ashley Kaczorowski Kelsi

Ari Bavel Unfortunate fellow

Directed by Patrick Rea

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